By now you all know the drill.

You guessed it! I’m not actually going to write about today until tomorrow. I probably could stay up and write it, that’s not the problem, the problem is waiting for the pictures to load. And deciding which one’s to use. That’s what takes so long. Besides, I did a lot of ‘point and click’ so I don’t really know what turned out and what didn’t at this point. And you all deserve a really great post with lots of awesome pictures for so diligently reading this!

You know the Travelocity Garden Gnome? I’ve decided (a little belatedly, but whatever) that Freddy the Panda (the one I got from Charles and Dominique at the airport when I was 11) is going to be my garden gnome. I’m going to bring him with me and take pictures of him in all the places I go. I’ll have to get back to Waterloo to take him there. I’ll take my family this summer. Good idea.

Here is an interesting factoid to take away with you this evening; Energy drinks are forbidden in France. Adeline told me about this as we were driving through France and she had a Red Bull. She told me about her last year of school and how for a couple of weeks after she was busy straight through, every day. By the end she was so tired and when they went to a bar (in France) she asked for a Red Bull and the bar tender had no idea what she was talking about! They’ve banned them for health reasons, and they’re not exactly wrong, those things can be dangerous.

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