Cooking with Jean-Go

The little munchkins are sick again. Poor Sylvain is coughing like crazy! Kind of reminds me of when I was a kid. Every fall I got bronchitis – I think that’s what he has. So no more school or babysitter till the new year. That kind of puts a kink in my plans as far as getting my To Do list finished. I’ll make it work though, I don’t have a choice!

Tonight I finally went to Jean and Valerie’s for a cooking lesson. Valerie had to work a little late so it was just Jean and I who made supper. We made Waterzooi, a Belgian dish from Ghent. It can be made with fish or chicken, but Jean prefers it with fish so that’s what we did. I really liked it. We used a white fish that starts with an ‘L’ as well as craw-fish (crayfish?). It was super tasty. We also made stuffed bacon and leek croissants for Valerie’s family dinner on Saturday. I have pictures to prove I helped. I actually rolled all but, um, 5 or so. There were 32…before Jean and I each ate one ;). Waterzooi is so easy to make and is something I think is possible for me to handle as long as I don’t overcook the fish!

It was fun hanging with those two. They have this really awesome idea for Christmas tree ornaments. They have these mini crowns hanging from the branches. Hanging from each crown is a double-sided, laminated picture of different family members. Such an awesome idea and so creative!

I was right. My list keeps getting longer. >_< I have to go to the Commune again and get a piece of paper saying I’m leaving. Then I need to make a copy for Adeline to keep and send the other to the health insurance company here saying I’m leaving and they need to stop my coverage. So complicated. Not really, it’s just more work than I was planning on and I’m worried it won’t be very easy. Plus I have to write them a letter…in French. I wonder if this will be resolved before I leave? It’s all my fault for not taking care of it sooner. I know that.


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© 2010-2011 hollyjb

I hope you’re not expecting much tonight…

Ok. So tonight’s post will be super short. I am über tired and sick to boot. This nasty cough just keeps getting worse. You know how it goes. And of course since I was at a concert I had to cough more. I still upheld concert etiquette, only coughing between songs. It nearly killed me, but I managed. I even made it through an entire set – at the beginning – without exploding. I have made a list of point-form notes that will be expanded in tomorrow’s blog. I also have pictures. At the risk of my next post sounding more like one of my university concert reports, I have tried to jot down as much background info about the choir as I can remember from before, during, and after the concert. At the start of the second half the director gave a big explanation of some things and I was able to understand a bit. One thing being that the group is very passionate. And it showed. More on that tomorrow, for now, good night!


Today started off as an interesting day. I drove Bastien to the babysitter’s, but I almost fell a bunch of times! I was silly and wore my running shoes when I knew it was icy, but I didn’t think it was that bad! I was a very cautious driver…for many reasons but mostly because I had Bastien with me!

So because of the ice I didn’t end up going on my daily walk :(. But I did get to talk with my aunt Diane in B.C. for an hour! It was noon here (so 3am there) and she couldn’t sleep so she came online to see if I was on and we chatted via Skype.

Right now Sylvain is sick, so we’re being extra careful. He’s got a cough and has some trouble breathing. He’s been to the doctor and the hospital…he’s at the hospital right now. They’re keeping him over night just to make sure there’s nothing terribly wrong. He may be sick, but he was still smiling today and giggling. It was so adorable. He has got one of the cutest smiles I’ve ever seen. It’s a joy when he gives you one.

Tonight for supper we had crêpes. Not the dessert kind, but with eggs and ham. They were really tasty.

I also just got off of Skype with my parents – you gotta love those unplanned calls when you want to post to your blog and go to bed early, but it just doesn’t happen because you spend an hour talking. That is my split personality talking – I was being both serious and sarcastic. Just thought you would all want to know. 🙂 Also, according to my Mom lots of people have been asking if I’m homesick…the answer is no. Tee hee hee. I mean, sure, there are some things I miss I guess, but really, I’ve never been one to be homesick. Except for the people I worked with and saw at school I didn’t really see people on a regular basis, so as of yet it doesn’t necessarily feel like I’m far away. It’ll feel that way during holidays when I should be getting together with the family. Maybe then I’ll feel a bit homesick, but for now I’m fine.

I will leave you all with a picture of my dinner. I started eating before I thought ‘oh! Picture opportunity!’ I wonder if I will ever get sick of taking pictures of food….

Sick >_<

Hello all!

So unfortunately things aren’t going very well at the moment. Poor Greg and Adeline are both quite sick and today in my French class I had a headache to beat the band. After taking something for it I started to feel better, but right now my eyes hurt…I think that means I will go to bed. Poor Greg has to spend all day tomorrow outside, I hope he doesn’t get any worse, it’s NO fun being sick.

In other news, today I went on another long walk, this time by myself with my music. It was great and I want to keep it up everyday, if possible, at least during the week. I was out for an hour…I’m not exactly sure of the distance. I believe it was listed in the book of mapped out walks of the area that Adeline bought from the City Hall, but when I looked at what I thought was the distance, it seemed WAY to long for the time it took me. Woah long sentence. I do that a lot. And a lot of the times they don’t really make sense. I guess that’s why editing is so important because writing how you think/talk doesn’t work very well half the time! Bah, sickness. Vision starting to blur…guess that means I really should go to bed.

Is there still lots of snow in Canada? Just curious…I keep forgetting we’re in the middle of winter…it feels like March half the time. But even though there’s no snow here there is still a bite in the wind on most days; scarves and mittens still required, hats optional, but hoods are good to keep the rain off.