No new pictures today, sorry.

Today was a lazy day. That’s the only way to describe it. I rested, caught up on an episode of Glee that I hadn’t seen in its entirety because our satellite crashed (you gotta love the combination of storm+satellite+living in a valley). I also started reading through a friend’s blog and went on Facebook. Not much else happened for me.

I did forget to mention last night about Sylvain. Normally when putting on his skin cream and changing him he’s calm and quiet. Sometimes he cries if he’s hungry (or for other reasons). He also doesn’t like when you put shirts and stuff on because he doesn’t seem to like things covering his face (which makes sense). Once you get the shirt on and off his face he’s usually ok. As he gets older he’s starting to actually laugh more, like really laugh. He still does his usual bit of wanting to ‘chat’ after he eats with all of his adorable baby noises, but he’s starting to laugh a lot more now.

Almost the entire time I was putting on his cream and changing him into his pajamas he was laughing! I tried to get it on video, but as soon as he see’s a camera he clams up. He’ll still smile for you, but no baby giggles.

That’s all for tonight!