
So there is not much to report today. I did watch two more episodes of ‘Dirt Sexy Money’ with Greg and Adeline tonight. I also cooked half of dinner! Mind you, it was just the pasta that I cooked…..but it didn’t burn or anything :P. For the sauce there were diced tomatoes and left over turkey from last night…..I’m not sure what else, I was playing with Bastien while Adeline made it.

Speaking of turkey…I was telling Adeline at lunch today that pretty much the only time we have turkey (when it’s not deli meat) is at Thanksgiving and Christmas. At least that’s my experience. Unless there’s something Mom’s not telling me….or I’m just really oblivious to what I’m eating….or my memory is failing. Basically, we thought it would be neat to do a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving dinner. I’m going to get my Grandma’s stuffing recipe from my Mom and we’ll see if I feel brave enough by October to make it! Of course it will be Canadian with a heavy dose of Mennonite thrown in. Mmmmmm ^_^, pumpkin and apple pie.

Any who, that’s about it for tonight!
